Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dry docked

Many years ago when my family was younger we bought a boat. It was an ordinary boat with a cantankerous motor but you would have thought we had a yacht. My late husband hadn't learned a lot of patience yet so it wasn't unusual to hear, "You're all a bunch of gilligans." My kids still laugh about that because he was the biggest gilligan of all! Sadly, the boat has been in dry dock for several years now and was beginning to look rather like a derelict. So, one day we hauled it home from the lake and my DH has given it new life. He's been scrubbing, painting and polishing all week in preparation for sale. It's time to pass the "Minnow" on to younger gilligans.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Grandmas Aren't What They Used To Be

When I was growing up I had the world's most wonderful grandma. Her name was Jennie Cecelia. She hated her name because when she was young the kids would tease her by chanting , "Jennie Cecelia, I'd like ta steal ya." Grandma was always home because 50 years ago, that's what grandmas did. They didn't work. They made cookies and embroidered tea towels and planted flower gardens and made watermelon pickles. I spent as much time with my grandma as I possibly could. This was easy because she lived less than a block from our house. Now life has played an unfortunate trick on me and all of a sudden, I'm the grandma. I love my grandchildren dearly but don't see a whole lot of them because I'm busy running around the country living my life. Grandparents are no longer sitting on the front porch in their rocking chairs---we have things to do and places to go. Heck, most of the time my grandkids don't even know where I am!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hang- ups

One of these days I'm going to have to introduce my DH to the clothes closet. He's quite familiar with the dishwasher and the stove, knows the washer and dryer well and has a passing acquaintance with the vacuum cleaner. Alas, he has no idea where the closets are located or what they're used for. He doesn't seem to grasp the concept that door knobs, chair backs and tables perform different functions than clothes hangers and coat hooks. There are certain folks that are encouraged to come out of the closet but I'm trying to get him to go in!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I've never had a sister but I've always wanted one. It seems to me that a sister must be the best relative a girl could have; somebody to confide in who understands completely because she has the same hang-ups as you. I see the special bond between sisters and I get a little jealous of their closeness. I've had lots of sisters-in-law and they've been great but it's not the same as having a real live SISTER. It must be fun to reminisce about the time Mom took a bath with flea soap or Dad mooned you while camping in the Hills or torturing your little brother until he called Mom at work. So, if you have a sister, cherish her. She's a wonderful gift.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June is Busting out all Over

The spring flowers were late bloomers this year but they're making up for it now. The sweet little petunias, haughty lilies and fragrant lavender are all strutting their stuff. My favorite, though, is the lowly daisy. Daisies are the floozies of the flower world. They flaunt their wares all over town and bloom in places no self-respecting flower would even grow. You've just gotta love 'em!

Monday, June 23, 2008

A day in Mexico

While wintering in AZ we make frequent day trips to Mexico. We soon learned that you never, ever pay the asking price of anything. Because of this I was appalled when I observed a tourist (definitely a first-timer) asking a young Hispanic what she could buy for her children. She said she had three and wanted to spend $10 on each of them. Well, his eyes lit up like the Fourth of July as he offered her cheap trinkets, stating , "These each cost $10." I couldn't keep still any longer. I pointed out another stand where she could get a lot more for her money. After she left I asked the young man the price of his ceramic peppers. His quick reply was, "For you, lady, $100."

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Elusive Teeth

One of the most frequently asked questions at our house is, "Have you seen my teeth?" My DH has a problem keeping track of his dentures. They've turned up under the bed, between the sheets, inside the couch cushions, on the basement steps. Just name a spot, they've probably been there. If he's not careful he'll bite himself in the ass! The epitome of denture disappearance occurred, though, during a fishing trip when he put his dentures in a bucket of water to keep them safe. As his son was cleaning up the boat he emptied the bucket into the lake, teeth and all, so don't be surprised if you catch a fish with a big grin on his face.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gardening with God

My daughter says that working in the garden is like working with God and she's right. There is nothing better than getting your hands dirty in the soil that has taken eons to form. The tender seedlings raising their little heads are a testament to a higher power. It's amazing how those tiny seeds can become tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, melons---and they know exactly what they're supposed to be! It's too bad that doesn't work with people. Watching a garden grow is observing a miracle in progress. My husband can work in the garden for hours. It's good for his soul and mine too!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Necessity of Friends

Friends are an integral part of all phases of our lives . As we age they become a necessity. Our very well-being depends on socialization with our peers. A friendly hug, a shared joke, memories of past experiences-----all contribute to our peace of mind. We can tell stories on ourselves and our friends laugh with us, not at us. We can be as outrageous as we want and nobody condemns us for it. Keep your friends close to your heart. They are gifts from God.

Friday, June 13, 2008

A mature marriage

Twelve years ago today we made a life-changing decision and flew to LasVegas to get married. Since we were both widowed, several of our eight children were less than enthusiastic about the prospect of a step parent. We chose to live our own lives and have never been sorry. The past twelve years have been wonderful and we're eagerly anticipating another twelve or more! A mature marriage is very different from the angst-filled, passionate experiences of youth. The days of wine and roses have been replaced by a loving companionship. Guess which one is better.....

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hairy husbands

As men grow older they begin to look like Wimpy--I'll pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today. Remember that? The hair starts to sprout from ears, noses and eyebrows but not on top of the head! My husband has a veritable forest in his nose and ears and I'm elected to de-forest him. When he's fertilizing his garden I think he sticks some of it up his nose because there's no way he could grow a bumper crop like that without extra help! Last winter we were in a parking lot in Arizona when a man noticed our South Dakota license and struck up a conversation. He had a plethora of white hair hanging out his nose. Needless to say, I had a hard time concentrating on his stories. After he left, my husband said, "I'll bet you wanted to trim his nose hair, didn't you?" Truer words were never spoken.