During the child-rearing years it's often difficult to find time for yourself. Somebody always needs something---help with homework, rides to activities, treats for school, etc., etc., etc. Well, I have good news! After retirement, you can do anything you want. Even though we live in an RV half the time, we manage to give each other space. When he finishes the breakfast dishes, the DH goes outside and smokes his pipe. Since we live on a corner, people are always walking by and often stop to chat. Voila! He has somebody to listen to besides me. After lunch he plays pool with his buddy and I can read or work on the computer. While he finishes the supper dishes, I go walking with the dogs and girls and learn the gossip of the day.
It's soon 8 o'clock and he's ready for a shower and bed. Then it's my time to watch sitcoms to my heart's content. Life is a dance---you just have to learn how to choreograph it.