Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Arizona Surprises

Having made a multitude of trips to and through Arizona, you'd think there would be no surprises left. Well, guess what---strange things still happen. On our way north to Payson last week, a huge dust storm appeared and caused a 20 car pile-up and three deaths. Thank God we were on an alternate route. While driving down the road from our camp yesterday, we noticed cars standing still. A herd of sheep soon appeared and we were in the middle of a sea of bleating, bouncing sheep being taken to a new pasture. Just this morning, the camper started shaking like crazy as a strong earthquake shook our area. Who knows what's next?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Woman's Plight

You know you're getting old when your daughter reaches menopause. A young girl is carefree until about twelve, when Mother Nature plays a nasty trick and the cramps, mood swings and general messiness arrive. Unfortunately, this will last for the next forty years, except for an occasional reprieve when she rents out her uterus for nine months of morning sickness, back aches, swollen feet and more mood swings. But none of these can compare to the excruciating pain involved in evicting her tenant. Then, after several months of providing sustenance from her built-in milk machine, she'll start to worry that somebody else will take up residence! Forty years later, this will all come to a halt, but not without a fight---hot flashes, night sweats and weight gain are just part of the deal. Hair in familiar places will disappear and reappear on her upper lip, joints will become stiff, remembering details will be a thing of the past and major mood swings will kick in. Being a woman is a tough job but somebody has to do it because no man would tolerate it for a second. In fact, I think I'll be a man in my next life!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas to all. We are very fortunate to be in Arizona, avoiding the huge snowstorm in South Dakota. There will be ample opportunity for families to bond today---not a bad thing at all. In this busy season it's often tough to find time for each other so today there will be a reprieve, with many games played, movies watched and love shared. Have a wonderful,loving day and thank the Lord for His Gift.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

An Un-snowman

Living in the desert doesn't necessarily mean that there are no snowmen---there are un-snowmen. Due to the ingenuity of some park residents, we have a tumbleweed man. He's fat and jolly and does his job very well. From the beginning of time man has adapted to his surroundings, using the materials available to ensure survival and sometimes just for entertainment. At least this Frosty won't melt!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mr. Sensitive

The DH isn't exactly known for his sensitivity. He says what he thinks and always tells the truth, no matter how painful. When I mentioned that a high school classmate looked old, he asked me if I'd looked in the mirror lately. He says overweight women are soft and I'm soft enough! He doesn't care about the niceties of life and a favorite saying is, "That's good enough." Our friends are learning not to ask him about their cooking because he'll tell them the truth. On his softer side, however, he observed two hummingbirds fighting over the feeder and hung a second one so they wouldn't need to share, or after voicing his dislike for dogs, continuously encourages a cute little Australian shepherd to jump on his lap. He likes to think he's a grumpy old bear but he's actually just a pussy cat!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Woman Power

In this economic downturn everybody has to pinch pennies, including seniors. We shop at the flea markets, buy meds in Mexico, play cards for entertainment. When someone needs help, friends show up to offer suggestions and manpower, lightening the load. There are times, however, when it's necessary to open the purse strings. Our friends will be celebrating their 50th anniversary this week. She informed him that they will be celebrating with a group of people and it will NOT be at Burger King or Jack-in-the-Box! Sometimes you just have to lay down the law.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Spirit

I'm happy to report that the Christmas Spirit is alive and well in Yuma. A young gentleman noticed a senior citizen struggling with a propane tank and carried it to his truck for him. A homeless person was escorted into a Subway and told to order anything he wanted. After a night of very high winds, several awnings and Arizona rooms were damaged so the camp was busy this AM with neighbors helping neighbors. I've observed that most people are good-hearted if given the opportunity. Have you done your good deed for today?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Peaceful Bird

It's dove hunting season in Arizona and along with annoying the park residents, the gunshots are driving the dogs up the wall. Why anybody would want to shoot a peaceful dove is beyond me. It can't be for food because they're no more than 4 bites each! The poor birds are hiding under bushes, quaking in their little birdie boots. If these hunters feel the need to shoot something, they should join the Army and head for Iraq or Afghanistan!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Tan Christmas

The holiday season is once more upon us. Now that we've spent several Christmases in the desert, it no longer bothers me to see palms instead of pines and bougainvilleas instead of poinsettias. It's wonderful to see imaginations at work decorating campers and lighting the palm trees. A tan Christmas is as good as a white Christmas since the Spirit resides here also. We're all aware of the reason for the season--it doesn't really matter where we celebrate as long as Christ remains in Christmas and in our hearts.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Unwanted Changes

When I phoned my friend with birthday wishes, she related some sad news. Her daughter is ending a 27 year marriage due to her husband's infidelity. The devastated girl doesn't realize it now, but this is a life lesson. Sometimes the Universe deals us a blow and we are forced to make unwanted changes. To her, this is the end of the world, which it is---the end of her world as she knew it. A new cycle is beginning and she will eventually understand the necessity of the change. In the meantime, please pray for Kathy.

Friday, November 27, 2009


You're never too old to be surprised. Don't let yourself get so bored or jaded that you can't appreciate the unexpected. At the beginning of the week, a farmer left cases of cantaloupe in our park and they were the best we've ever eaten----surprise! Another evening, 4 solar lights mysteriously appeared around our palm tree---surprise! We had no dessert planned for supper one night and a neighbor appeared with streusel cake---surprise! We actually made a few dollars on our last casino visit and that was REALLY a surprise. So, how many surprises have you had this week?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Today is Thanksgiving, a special day to count our blessings. Actually, we need to give thanks every day for family, friends, health and freedom. It's easy to take these things for granted but just lose one and you'll realize it's importance to your life. The DH and I are especially blessed again this year to be spending the winter in this beautiful, sunny warm place. We're both healthy and happy and loving every minute of it! Thank you, Lord. One of the lesser blessings is that I no longer have to cook those huge holiday meals---the RV camp is providing dinner for all of us today. Thank you to the cooks!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Canine Angel

A favorite pet has gone to Doggie Heaven. She was 14 years old, a very old lady by any standard. Her poor little body shut down, forcing her owners to have her put to sleep. It's amazing how pets can become such an important part of our lives, as evidenced by the dozens of dogs wintering in our park. The furry little individuals wend their way into our hearts with their comical ways and unconditional love, leaving a huge hole when they leave. Who says animals don't have souls---they were made by God, weren't they?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Bag of Beans

If the youth of our nation believe they have a corner on games, they are sadly mistaken. Seniors also like to play. Granted, our games aren't as exciting as those of our grandchildren, but we can't take too much excitement. Thus, our repertoire consists of Facebook games, cards, dominoes, etc. On the physical side, the men of our camp play horseshoes every week and now the DH has introduced bean bags to the mix. He's accumulated three sets and holds a tournament weekly for both men and women. Turnout has been great; it not only encourages exercise but the socialization and laughter are enjoyable. Besides, dodging errant bean bags keeps us nimble!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fiesta Time

What better way to celebrate winter than with a fiesta? Since the AZ room is finished, we needed to throw an appreciation party for our wonderful friends and neighbors, so we gathered them up and fed them tacos, burritos, and chimichangas with all the trimmings. When you get right down to it, people are the same the world over---everybody likes to eat and laugh! The DH had misgivings about doing an outside room, but of course he loves it now. Sometimes men need to be told what's good for them...

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Old Zone

During the winter months we live in the Old Zone, as opposed to the Twilight Zone. Upon reflection, however, there ARE parallels. Retirement is a rather surreal situation---no set sleeping hours or meal times, after 70 you're allowed to speak your mind, game playing and television viewing are the two main activities. Residents of an RV park tend to disappear from one year to the next. A multitude of characters inhabit the premises, both good and evil, and good doesn't always triumph. It's comparable to a trip back in time to childhood days. Wow! Maybe we are in the Twilight Zone!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

True Confessions

I must confess to having an addiction. I'm addicted to Raisin Bran Crunch! As our system ages, certain functions no longer work as well as they should, one of the down sides of attaining old age. The DH can't believe I can eat the same breakfast every day and not tire of it, so to please him, I tried different products. Fiber One is like eating petrified puffed wheat and Flax with Bran is kin to a bowl of tree bark. Thus, we were on a Raisin Bran quest this week and it wasn't easy to find; there are evidently a lot of bound up snowbirds in town. Besides, I don't care how expensive it is, it's still cheaper than dynamite!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Living in the desert southwest has its advantages and disadvantages. The warm temps, sunshine and beautiful flowers are advantages. Wind, dust and insects are disadvantages. I sat down on a chair on the patio this afternoon and was bitten by a scorpion. I'd reached behind me and felt a pinprick so, of course, I felt deeper to see what caused it and wham! I thought a red hot needle had punctured my finger! I plunged it into a bag of ice and got on Google to see what would stop the throbbing. As long as I had it iced, it was okay, but the minute the ice was gone, it hurt like the devil. Some friends happened to be here and one suggested putting Tea Tree Oil on it. As luck would have it, I had some on hand and it stopped the pain almost immediately. I guess those Australians know what they're doing!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's Never Too Late

Although you may be in your 60's, 70's or even 80's, that's no excuse for not living your life to the fullest. Many seniors seem to have issues with taking chances. What if I get sick? There are doctors and hospital across the country. What if our money runs out? You can live within your budget away from home. Can the kids get along without us? Well,duh! The time will come when you'll be gone permanently and nothing will matter one iota. Don't sit home worrying about your future; get out and live it!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Whatever Happened to Mrs. Happybottom?

Now that we're back in camp, things are taking up where they ended last spring. Men are standing around chatting, women are comparing their summers, friendships are rekindled. The park owner (Mrs. Happybottom) is still the main topic of conversation---it seems that there has been no improvement in her attitude. She's hired a group of young men to trim palm trees and generally clean up the park and they are digging holes in the desert to bury the vegetation. One wishful resident wondered if they could accidentally add her to the pile! The DH has decided to build a permanent roof over the patio---with her permission, of course--- and guys are coming out of the woodwork with offers to help. That's another good thing about being seniors; there's plenty of willing manpower.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

On Our Last Leg

Tomorrow morning we will leave Payson for the last leg of our winter journey. We're anxious to arrive in Yuma and get set up before evening. It will take at least 2 days to have things arranged the way I want, but the important chores will be done tomorrow. I don't know why we put ourselves through this every year. Wait a minute. Yes, I do---winter friends, Mexico and sunshine, sunshine, sunshine!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Whistler's Grandmother

My 16 year old granddaughter surprised me by skillfully whistling complicated tunes, reminding me of my grandmother, her great-great grandmother. It seems that she was also a whistler but her mother considered it to be inappropriate behavior for a young girl. She loved relating the story of her mother stating that, "Whistling girls and setting hens will come to no good end." I can't even imagine her reaction to the tight jeans, low-cut shirts, excessive makeup and behavior of our modern girls!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Launch Date

Tomorrow morning we will be launching the van on a trip to the southwest. It's exciting to think about another new adventure but a lot of work getting ready for the trip. Stress starts building and nerves are frayed, so the DH gets crabby and I get snippy---normal behavior, I guess. As soon as we hit the road, we'll return to our old happy selves. We need to add packing to the list of things couples should not do together!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sick, Sick, Sick

My son informed me that three of his four children are down with the flu. Of course, this started a stream of motherly advice---take their temps, keep them warm, push fluids, watch their breathing, etc, etc, etc. After listening to my advice for awhile, he said, "Mom, I have the world wide web." Darn! It seems that mothers are becoming obsolete!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Respect for Life

Every week we hear a news story of a teenager being shot while riding his bike, murdered on the way home from school, set on fire over a video game and even having her throat slit while attending class. This past week it happened to our family. My 20 year old grandson is a Junior at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Last weekend he and his friends were returning home way too late and came upon a group of kids having an altercation. Instead of turning away, they went to see what was going on and he was beaten in the face with a baseball bat. As a result he has broken bones in his forehead, cheek and nose along with a dislocated tooth and is facing surgery next Monday. Somebody deserves an "F" for failing to teach our children the value of human life. Is it the parents? Is it the schools? Is it the church? Or is it all three? Do you know what your children are doing after hours?

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Flu

Our computer was down for awhile with the swine flu---some pig sent us a virus! Unfortunately, the PC doctor charges as much as the medical doctor, but the good news is that the patient recovered! Needless to say, we were having intense withdrawal symptoms at our house. It's amazing how we depend on the computer for communication and entertainment. I don't know how we survived all those years without one. Thanks to my daughter who kept my farm and cafe going during my absence.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Three Amigos

There's nothing better than getting together with old friends. From the way we carry on, you'd think we were a group of teenagers. We reminisce about past experiences, tell amusing stories about our lives, just have a good time. There's one thing about seniors---they aren't afraid to make fun of themselves and it's nice to know you're not the only one that's losing it! Laughing about the aches and pains and memory loss is good medicine.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Demise of the Flowers

We need to enjoy the last blooms of summer because they will soon be gone---frost is imminent. It makes me a little sad to gaze out the kitchen window and realize that the remaining flowers are breathing their last fragrant breath. The one consolation is that they will be reincarnated next spring to bloom again. Since God is so good to the plants, it only stands to reason that He'll do the same for us!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Don't Fly Away

We've all had times when we've felt like saying the heck with it all and flying off into the wild blue yonder. Unfortunately, most of us have to stay and face the consequences. Problems were never solved by running away. The bottom line is that we are all on this earth to learn love, patience and tolerance. Each difficulty is a test of our coping ability. Are you passing the test?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Keep It Zipped, Boys!

I can't imagine why there's so much hype over H1N1 when the real epidemic is horny old men! Half the politicians have been caught with their pants down, either with employees or prostitutes. It's high time they realize their moral obligations and start having some respect for their wives. Young men are expected to be obsessed with sex due to raging hormones but men over 50 don't have that excuse---their hormones wound down years ago and evidently their morals eroded at the same time! Now, David Letterman has joined the ranks of the unfaithful, for Pete's sake. At least he had the decency to admit his failings but that's still no excuse for flagrant irresponsibility. I propose that each pair of men's pants come with a padlock on the zipper and only the wife has the combination!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Size Does Matter

It seems that some people believe they need a bigger car, a bigger house, a bigger bank account than their friends and family. In my opinion that's what's wrong with our country. All we really need is ENOUGH. Enough bedrooms to sleep our kids, enough income to pay our bills, enough gas in a moderately priced car. Who needs millions of dollars in the bank? It just gets people in trouble. It's the size of your heart that counts---how you treat others, if you support them during the tough times, if you help when able. Yes, size does matter but sometimes smaller is enough!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pea Soup

The change of seasons is once more upon us. Temperatures are plummeting, winds are blowing and trees are morphing into wooden skeletons of their summer selves. The lake is green with a multitude of algae and during a recent wind storm, resembled a gigantic pot of boiling pea soup garnished with gull croutons. During a lull in the wind we were able to batten down the hatches and close the cabin until next spring. Good-byes are always sad but made easier by the lake dogs' arrival to say farewell. I'm sure they'll miss the treats more than they'll miss us!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Miss Muffet

When we arrived at the cabin after an absence of nearly a month, we discovered that some new tenants had moved in. As soon as the place heated up spiders started to appear on the ceilings and the walls and finally the floor. I felt like Little Miss Muffet as I sat on the couch and a big black spider sat down beside me. Yuck! You can bet Home Defense will be sprayed liberally and everything will be covered before we close for the winter!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Drowning Fruit Flies

With fresh fruit and working wine in the house, the fruit flies were having a hey day and were driving me crazy. I went online to see if there was an answer to my dilemma. Well, there was and it actually works. Fill a short glass about 1/3 full of cider vinegar. Then make a paper cone, leaving a small hole in the top. Tape the cone to the glass and watch the fruit flies gather. They enter the hole to sip the goodies and can't get back out. It does my heart good to see those drowned flies building up in the bottom of the glass!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Banish the Grey

In my family we don't turn grey early, so when a few grey hairs started glistening on my head, I knew old age was approaching. At first I decided to just go with it but soon discovered that I didn't like the look---I'm not yet ready to see an "old grey" in the mirror. At least we have a choice now. With a little money and a little work, the grey can be disguised for a couple of months and you can pretend you're still a young chick. So if you don't like those grey hairs, banish them!

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Long Life

The oldest known person in the world was on the news tonight. He's 113 years old! He's still alert, his memory is good and he takes no meds. Can you imagine living in 3 centuries? It's mind boggling! He says his secret is staying lean---I'd bet that his genes had something to do with it too. God loans us a body to use for awhile and He expects us to take care of it. Of course, some do a better job than others and this man must take the prize. I plan on hanging around as long as my "house" is livable and then, Sayonara.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I've become addicted to Farm Town on Facebook. It's so much fun to plow and plant and then watch the crops grow. Since there are many others on the site, a competition gets going---who has the prettiest farm, who has the most coins, who is the most creative? There are no two farms exactly alike; each personality shines through. The DH says he wishes I'd get this enthusiastic about his garden, but guess what? There are no mosquitoes on Farm Town!

Friday, September 18, 2009


A good deal of time has been spent washing blinds and windows in Old Smokey's den. A layer of brown had accumulated during the summer and needed to be removed. It makes you wonder what his lungs look like, doesn't it? Anyway, I found a poem by Graham Lee Hemminger that fits the situation well:


Tobacco is a dirty weed;
I like it.
It satisfies no normal need;
I like it.
It makes you thin, it makes you lean,
It takes the hair right off your bean,
It's the worst darn stuff I've ever seen:
I like it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I agree that there are certain things to which we are entitled, such as health care, education, freedom of religion, safety in our own homes. However, we are not entitled to treat others with disrespect or to feel that society owes us a living. What has happened to this generation? There seem to be fewer and fewer boundaries. Too many people believe that the world revolves around them and they can say or do whatever comes to mind. Why can't we concentrate on our own lives and leave our fellow human beings to do the same? Today's children are tomorrow's leaders. Would you really want your selfish 8 year old or your 12 year old bully to rule the future world? It's imperative that children are taught these truths---everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect, whether it's a parent or a stranger; hard work brings rewards; you are ultimately responsible for your own success and happiness; God is watching whether you believe it or not.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I'm sure I'm not the only one who freezes leftovers and then forgets about them. I do have an inventory sheet on the fridge, listing items in each freezer but don't always remember to check it. Well, now that the trip south is looming, I'm on a mission to use everything up. The DH approaches the table with trepidation, wondering what delicacy is being served for today's lunch. Actually, it's kind of fun being creative with items on hand and when I do serve something new, his eyes light up like he won the lottery!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Don't Kick the Bucket

My sweet little 6-year-old granddaughter came to visit yesterday. She decided during the day that she was coming to Grandma's after school and that was that. This kid is a ray of sunshine....told me that her "bucket was full" and when I questioned her, she gladly explained. It seems that the first graders each have an invisible bucket on their heads. If they're happy, the bucket is full; if they're sad, the bucket is empty. What a simple concept, one that we should all follow. I'm glad to report that my bucket is usually overflowing and is very rarely empty. How full is your bucket?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Something Stinks

I am so ashamed of our politicians. Watching President Obama's speech last night was like listening to a group of unruly teenagers at a high school assembly. What happened to respect for our superiors, especially the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? Didn't those southern boys' mamas teach them any manners? I realize that health care needs to be fixed but our selfish congressmen also need to be fixed---maybe some well-orchestrated castrations would lower their testosterone! It seems to me that our welfare is not even being considered by the majority of politicians. They have wonderful health care, so who cares about the parents that are working several jobs just to keep food on the table, let alone buy insurance. Shame, shame, shame!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Squish and Poke

Today I had my yearly mammogram and physical, better known as the annual "squish and poke". I hate it but it is necessary. My doctor is always amazed at my good health and says I must be doing something right. Personally, I think the less stress in your daily life, the healthier you are. I've been purchasing my hormone patch and Omeprazole in Mexico and he has no problem with that---says they're the same as we buy here at home. The only difference is that they cost a whole lot less! Anyway, ladies, get your "girls" checked annually, even if it is uncomfortable. Having the sun set early on your life would be much worse.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day

Yesterday was Labor Day, the beginning of a new season. There's an anticipatory feeling in the air, heralding the approach of fall and winter. A few early bird trees have already begun to change color, kids are only seen on weekends, Gramps is tearing down the garden and Arizona is beckoning. For the last several years we've spent Labor Day either in the Black Hills or at the lake, but this year we stayed home. To our surprise, so did a lot of other people. Y's Buys and Savers were having Labor Day sales of 50% off everything and shoppers were out in droves---another reason for economy-minded souls to stay home!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ode to a Six Year Old

I'm convinced that six is the perfect age. Six-year-olds are oblivious to the world around them. They're absolutely thrilled with life, anxious to conquer reading, writing and math and then move on to the next challenge. Love flows easily from their innocent little hearts; hugs and kisses and I love you's are generously distributed. Trust comes to them so naturally. They don't care about health reform or taxes or unemployment---they live in their own small worlds. It would probably benefit all of us to tap into our inner six-year-old every so often!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Wino

The DH has an on-going project---wine making. He's completed several jugs of grape and plum, with plans for rhubarb. He's currently making pear and tomato wine. Yes, you heard right---tomato wine! Sounds pretty gruesome to me, but he's been researching on the internet and says you can even make wine fron pea pods. Yuck! Thank God I'm not a wine drinker because this stuff would definitely turn me off.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Old Smokey

If a person states that he has no bad habits, he's either a saint or a liar. We all have something that we refuse to give up or are convinced we can't live without. The DH and his son are addicted to tobacco. We can nag until we're blue in the face and they will still continue to puff. When we're at the lake, they sit in the truck for hours, smoking and solving the world's problems. They know what their habit is doing to their bodies, but refuse to quit and nobody can make them. This is a personal decision. As for me, I'd rather have chocolate!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Spinning a Web

I glanced out the cabin window this morning to an awesome sight. A heavy fog had rolled in during the night and covered everything with dew, including a multitude of spider webs. As the sun came out they started sparkling like intricate jeweled necklaces. When you think about it, our lives are much like those spider webs. We're all connected one way or another. How many times have you met a stranger, started talking and discovered that you had acquaintances in common or attended the same school or your great grandmothers were cousins? There's a theory that we're all separated by only 6 degrees. Amazing isn't it? If you pay closer attention, you'll be surprised by the number of connections you can find. Actually, we're using the worldwide web right now!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cherry Pickin' Time

The quest is complete! Ground cherries are ripe and the DH has commissioned a pie, something he's been waiting for all year. I'd never even heard of the husky little things, much less tasted one. I can truthfully testify now that they are delicious. They resemble a little yellow tomato enclosed in a husk and taste like a sweet cherry. Whoever would have believed it? Determination actually does pay off!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Drip! Drip!

This must be the year of the leaky roof. First the cabin roof sprung a leak and now the kitchen ceiling at home is dripping. We've discovered that 30 year shingles last about 12 years. What kind of a deal is that and what happened to truth in advertising? The roofer is coming tomorrow, so we'll be on pins and needles until the next storm and we're reassured that it no longer rains in our kitchen. Oh, well, I guess I'd be even more concerned if one of US was leaking!