I must confess to having an addiction. I'm addicted to Raisin Bran Crunch! As our system ages, certain functions no longer work as well as they should, one of the down sides of attaining old age. The DH can't believe I can eat the same breakfast every day and not tire of it, so to please him, I tried different products. Fiber One is like eating petrified puffed wheat and Flax with Bran is kin to a bowl of tree bark. Thus, we were on a Raisin Bran quest this week and it wasn't easy to find; there are evidently a lot of bound up snowbirds in town. Besides, I don't care how expensive it is, it's still cheaper than dynamite!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
True Confessions
I must confess to having an addiction. I'm addicted to Raisin Bran Crunch! As our system ages, certain functions no longer work as well as they should, one of the down sides of attaining old age. The DH can't believe I can eat the same breakfast every day and not tire of it, so to please him, I tried different products. Fiber One is like eating petrified puffed wheat and Flax with Bran is kin to a bowl of tree bark. Thus, we were on a Raisin Bran quest this week and it wasn't easy to find; there are evidently a lot of bound up snowbirds in town. Besides, I don't care how expensive it is, it's still cheaper than dynamite!
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