You know you're getting old when your daughter reaches menopause. A young girl is carefree until about twelve, when Mother Nature plays a nasty trick and the cramps, mood swings and general messiness arrive. Unfortunately, this will last for the next forty years, except for an occasional reprieve when she rents out her uterus for nine months of morning sickness, back aches, swollen feet and more mood swings. But none of these can compare to the excruciating pain involved in evicting her tenant. Then, after several months of providing sustenance from her built-in milk machine, she'll start to worry that somebody else will take up residence! Forty years later, this will all come to a halt, but not without a fight---hot flashes, night sweats and weight gain are just part of the deal. Hair in familiar places will disappear and reappear on her upper lip, joints will become stiff, remembering details will be a thing of the past and major mood swings will kick in. Being a woman is a tough job but somebody has to do it because no man would tolerate it for a second. In fact, I think I'll be a man in my next life!
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