A friend gave me a book that she was certain I would appreciate. The name of the book is "The Shack" and she was right. We've grown up with specific ideas of God and Jesus and their roles in our lives, according to our religious background. This story makes a person realize that God has a reason for everything that happens, good and bad, but He loves all of his children equally. This book will change your outlook on life and help you to become a more compassionate, less judgmental person.
Friday, May 29, 2009
An Awesome Book
A friend gave me a book that she was certain I would appreciate. The name of the book is "The Shack" and she was right. We've grown up with specific ideas of God and Jesus and their roles in our lives, according to our religious background. This story makes a person realize that God has a reason for everything that happens, good and bad, but He loves all of his children equally. This book will change your outlook on life and help you to become a more compassionate, less judgmental person.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
South Dakota must have received some stimulus money because every place we go, we confront road blocks. City streets, county roads and highways are all experiencing facelifts. We're getting a little frustrated with the multitude of pavers and asphalt trucks that line our street every day, not to mention the cars that are forced to park there also. The construction business is booming in this part of the country but I wish they'd move down the street a bit.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
50 Years of Love
This month one of our favorite couples celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. It takes a large amount of patience and tolerance to live with the same person for 50 years! A good portion of the younger generation will never reach such a milestone because they have a different mindset. Couples from our era married for life, no matter what. Of course, there were financial difficulties, illnesses, arguments and disappointments but we accepted them and worked through each challenge; the words "for better or for worse" meant exactly that. Nowadays, too many couples bail out when the going gets rough, only to start over with a new partner and a new set of problems. It takes a multitude of love and respect to endure a long marriage and oh, yes, you both have to stay alive!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Wherever we are---home, camp, lake---something needs to be fixed. When we were at the cabin this weekend it was rainy and very windy, which was no big deal, but the wet spots on the bedroom ceiling were. So the guys climbed on the roof and discovered missing shingles, which they dutifully replaced. It rained again yesterday and the ceiling was dry, so we thought we were home free. Well, not so. There was a driving rain again last night and when we got up this morning, the spots were back in all their glory. Since we were heading home, I just covered the bed with a couple of plastic tablecloths and called it good. Do you suppose we can count on the roof fairies to fix it before we arrive next weekend?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thank You
Today is Memorial Day, a time to thank the men and women who gave their lives for our country. My family has had personnel in World War II, the Korean War, Viet Nam and now Iraq. I don't understand why people can't be content with improving their own territory, rather than forcibly taking someone else's. There are no winners in a war. The families of the deceased soldiers and the innocent citizens of war-torn countries are the big losers, and for what? So a few greedy men can claim victory and the spoils of war. I realize that it is necessary to have Armed Forces to keep us safe, but do we have to defend the entire world?
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Summer Sentinel
It's Memorial Day weekend, the official beginning of summer. Campers are pulling into the lake area, pontoons are moving out of dry dock, fishing reels are oiled and ready for use. Let the fun begin! But the most significant sign of the summer season is the sight of Floyd, the lake dog, sitting on our porch. He knows the steak bones and hot dogs will soon be available and he guards his territory well. If an adventurous canine so much as looks at his area, he morphs from a sweet, friendly pup to an avid avenger---the ancestral wolf genes take over. Hmmm! There seem to be some humans like that too...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Live For Today
At times we're all guilty of living in the past and it seems to increase as we grow older. We can't return to the latter days to correct mistakes---words spoken in a heated moment cannot be recalled, poor decisions cannot be reversed, broken relationships can only be repaired in the present. Each day is a gift from God and we need to appreciate every one alloted to us. Have you been your best self today; made positive comments; been kind, loving and supportive? The future doesn't exist until tomorrow, so don't waste your time and energy worrying about what MAY happen. Worry can't change anything except your stress level and ultimately, your health. Just live and enjoy each day to the best of your ability and thank God for the opportunity.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Fond Memories
When I was growing up, my favorite grandma lived just down the block and I could see her whenever I wanted, which was nearly every day. I'm sure there were times when she was wishing I'd stayed home, but she was too kind-hearted to say so. Today, I took a trip down memory lane---I spotted a garage sale sign at that address, and made a bee-line for the house. The basic structure remains, but rooms have been added, walls moved, new double garage, backyard deck. I could visualize her standing at the screen door, hanging clothes on the line or picking flowers and always happy to see me. Even though I realize that everything in life changes, to me that will always be Grandma's house!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
You CAN Fight City Hall
A couple of weeks ago, the city street department invaded our side street and tore out the curb and gutter, the driveway approaches and the asphalt. We were informed that everything would be replaced. We have two lots, and several years ago paid hundreds of dollars to have an approach installed on the extra lot so we would have access to the garden, etc. Well, sure enough, it was not replaced. As a result, the DH contacted the City Manager and the City Engineer, who stated that we didn't need it and weren't getting it! After a visit to the area and a lecture by an angry senior citizen, the approach will be replaced. Sometimes you CAN fight City Hall and come out a winner!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tea With Grandma
It's a known fact that 3 year olds are notoriously difficult to entertain. SpongeBob demands attention for a half hour or so; another 10 minutes will be spent unloading the toy box; placing stickers on a sheet of paper takes about 15 minutes. The basement door can't be opened because there are spiders down there and believe it or not, there are spiders in the refrigerator, too! But the best entertainment for a little girl is the good old tea party. It's amazing how much time can be whiled away pouring root beer from a tiny pot into an even tinier cup. Of course, Grandma has to partake of this libation and remark on its deliciousness, while awaiting the next overflowing cup. Who knows? Someday she may have tea with the Queen!
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Chinese Puzzle
There are two activities that are lethal to a relationship: hanging wallpaper and assembling a gas grill. Yesterday morning the DH and I went to Target and purchased a new grill. It came in a box containing a gazillion pieces---that should have been a clue right there! The instruction manual stated that assembly time was 35 to 40 minutes. How tough could that be? Well, 7 hours later we were barely speaking to each other and the grill was still not quite finished. The instructions were written in such a way that even a Mensa member would have difficulty understanding them, holes were not lined up, screws were missing, nerves were frazzled. When you consider that the main reason for this madness was to be able to cook "beer-butt" chicken at home, all I can say is, that was a heck of an ordeal for a frickin' chicken!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Bunny Time
The bunnies are running rampant now that the grass is up and the vegetables are sprouting. They sit by the rabbit fence and gaze wistfully into the garden, dreaming of a lunch of nice tender shoots. They may as well give up, though, because Farmer MacGregor is ever vigilant. Sorry, Peter Rabbit, you'll have to be content with grass and dandelions.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A Nice Day
I had a nice birthday yesterday. The DH took me out to lunch and bought me flowers, and then the parade began. We had visitors most of the afternoon and evening, all bearing gifts. An old friend even took me out for coffee this morning. How fun! The phone calls, flowers, candles, perfume, book, purses and t-shirt were wonderful gifts, but knowing I'm appreciated was the best gift of all. Like my daughter-in-law said, "See how many people love you?" We all need to be acknowledged now and then. What better time than a birthday?
Friday, May 15, 2009
A Bountiful Spring
Springtime, who's been dragging her feet this year, is finally showing her colors. The grass is a lush green and the trees are verdant with new leaves. But the show-offs are the snow white plum trees, cotton candy tufts of the crab apple trees and of course, the lovely lilacs. Tulips and hyacinths are about finished with their display, making way for the daisies and peonies. It's no wonder we look forward to Spring---she's full of wonderful surprises!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Aging Gracefully?
I'll be 71 years old tomorrow. How did THAT happen? It seems like yesterday that I was a 5 year old starting Kindergarten, a Girl Scout, teenager, bride, young mother, working woman, widow and then a bride again. Life has a way of coming full circle and the later years can be better than the early ones if you can maintain a positive attitude and keep a modicum of good health. Why worry about your age? There's nothing you can do about it! Enjoy every day in this borrowed body, even though the joints ache, the teeth fall out, the hair turns grey...those are badges of courage. The YOU in that deteriorating body will leave someday, grateful to have experienced this earthly plane.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Dandelions Forever
I'm sure you're all familiar with the Year of the Tiger, the Pig, the Rat, etc. I am thoroughly convinced that this is the Year of the Dandelion. The sunny little weeds are everywhere, telling us Spring is here. Even the people with immaculate lawns have a few of these colorful invaders. They aren't good for much, unless you like dandelion wine or dandelion greens and they are really quite cheery. When I was a kid, we would hold one under a friend's chin and if a yellow reflection appeared (which it always did), we announced that he liked butter. Well, who doesn't?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Remember Me?
One of the repeated complaints from our peers is forgetfulness. We're always spacing out on something---an appointment, a birthday, a cake in the oven. Items seem to move from place to place just to confuse us. It's imperative to keep a notebook and pen in plain sight so ideas can be recorded before they disappear. The DH says it's because we're only human, but we seem to get more "human" as we age. Now, what was I saying?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Open House
We've returned to the lake. It's time to get the cabin ready for the season, which is always a big job but worth the effort. This will be the 51st summer enjoyed by the lakeside. My children have fond memories of fishing, swimming, running around with neighbor kids. In the early years there was a dance hall within walking distance, so Grandma would keep an eye on the kids while my late husband and I would go dancing. It wasn't unusual to see lots of little faces glued to the windows while they watched the dancers. Those days are gone now but we still enjoy the serenity---the pelicans gliding by, the birds busy building their nests, the quiet, star-filled nights.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day 2009
This is the day set aside to remember and honor our mothers. The bond between a mother and a child is probably the strongest relationship we have. Fathers love their children also, but mothers know and love them from the time they're the size of a pea! Only those of us who have experienced pregnancy can understand the excitement of the "quickening", the thrill of hearing that tiny percolating heartbeat, the awe of seeing that sweet face for the first time. Being a mother is a tough job and none of us are perfect. We all make mistakes in the name of love and will no doubt be disappointed in our offspring once in awhile---that's just normal. Not everybody can grow up to be a nuclear scientist or a brain surgeon. If your children turn out to be decent, law abiding citizens, you've been a successful parent. Happy Mother's Day, everybody!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Go, St. Joseph!
After the ending of a long marriage, my oldest daughter was granted a very nice house with a lot of not very nice upkeep expenses. As a result, she has been trying to sell the house and move to something smaller. So far, the mortal real estate agents have not delivered, so she's turned to another realm. A statue of St. Joseph is now buried in her back yard, she has a special prayer to recite daily and a sign on her fridge states, "This house will be sold by June." As a result, tours of the home have begun to increase. A positive attitude can work miracles but let's encourage St. Joseph to get busy!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Good News
When the DH visited his doctor last week, he mentioned the possibility of an aortic aneurysm and ordered an ultrasound. Since we've both been widowed, we're aware that bad things do happen to good people and life does not continue indefinitely. But we do like to believe that we'll have several more years together and as a result, we ignored the dinosaur in the room and tiptoed around it. Well, glory be, he received a letter in the mail today stating that his test was normal. The dinosaur has been banished!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
From the Mouths of Babes...
During our youth, we're allowed to say whatever comes to mind and our comments are usually considered to be cute. For example: I asked my 12 year old granddaughter if she ever wanted to wear makeup or if any of her friends did. Her surprising reply was that she was pretty enough, but her friends were kind of ugly and they needed it. That kid has no problem with body image! Her sister, a vivacious 5 year old, stopped by after school yesterday and refused to go home because Grandma's house was cleaner and quieter and I had better treats. She found watermelon in the fridge but refused to eat it unless it was dipped in sugar. When I explained that the fruit was sweet enough by itself, her response was, "But it isn't DELICIOUS!" How can you argue with that? While working 28 years in a nursing home, I discovered that the old folks revert back to the open mouth syndrome---they can get by with saying anything that comes to mind. Now, that's something to look forward to!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Fishing Fever
The men in our family have been bitten by the fishing bug. They can't wait to get out on the water and dangle their bait. My brother even bought a cabin in Arkansas and will be driving 650 miles to use it. Now that's a pretty bad case of fishing fever. The DH is buying tackle boxes and fishing lures---as if he didn't already have an abundance of them and the son is counting the days to his vacation. This malady appears each Spring and there's no cure except a very large walleye or northern pike. We've had a Bird Flu scare in the past, Swine Flu is the current concern---is Fish Flu next?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
There will be many times in your life when the storm clouds gather and you'll think there's no end to the chaos. Then, miraculously, the Universe steps in and pieces begin to fall into place. You may receive a significant phone call, read an article in the newspaper, find pertinent information on the Internet or receive an offer of help from an unlikely source---a pattern begins to emerge. If you look back on your life, you'll see many examples of sychronicity at work. There's an old adage that hindsight is 20/20. Well, pay attention to the clues and you'll discover that foresight exists also!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
April Fresh
One of the advantages of springtime is the fact that clothes can again be dried outside. There's nothing like the sweet smell of air dried sheets on a freshly made bed. It just makes a person feel good to hang clothes on a line in the backyard and watch them wave in the breeze. I know some neighborhoods no longer allow residents to use clotheslines...well, what's the matter with them, anyway? It's time to get back to basics and take advantage of Mother Nature's free energy.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Next to family, friends are the most important people in our lives. After my first husband died, I was completely lost and went to a support group, hoping to find a little peace. I found more than that--- I found friends for life. We're still there for each other even though the needy days are gone. We enjoy reminiscing about the paths we took to become whole again, and can laugh at our blunders because we stumbled through it together. Now the DH and I are extremely fortunate, as we have a set of winter friends in Arizona in addition to our wonderful friends at home. May God bless them all.
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