In the past 2 1/2 years, my daughter has undergone 4 surgeries and a series of radiation. The latest surgery took place today, so that meant family time in the waiting room. Of course, the procedure was started 1 1/2 hours late and took an hour longer than expected but the doctor says the extra time was worth it, as she will be much better now. The hours were spent visiting and catching up with relatives, drinking lots of coffee, raiding the muffins and cookies and praying for a successful outcome. I did explain to her that the next time she wants a family gathering, she should plan a picnic---it isn't necessary to go to the hospital!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Family Time
In the past 2 1/2 years, my daughter has undergone 4 surgeries and a series of radiation. The latest surgery took place today, so that meant family time in the waiting room. Of course, the procedure was started 1 1/2 hours late and took an hour longer than expected but the doctor says the extra time was worth it, as she will be much better now. The hours were spent visiting and catching up with relatives, drinking lots of coffee, raiding the muffins and cookies and praying for a successful outcome. I did explain to her that the next time she wants a family gathering, she should plan a picnic---it isn't necessary to go to the hospital!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
We live on a busy street and have a problem with things disappearing from our yard... a shadow cowboy, a Mexican donkey and cart, a gazing ball and stand, a small grill. As a result, we don't leave anything out that has monetary or sentimental value because it will probably vanish in the night. A while back we purchased a combination door at a garage sale, hoping it would fit the cabin. Well, it didn't so we set it by the garage for somebody to steal. Time passed and the door was still there waiting and unwanted---until last night! When we got in the van this morning, I noticed a bare spot by the garage. Hurray! The door is gone. I just hope it fits their house.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Birthday Blues
For young children, birthdays are second only to Christmas. They look forward with great excitement to each one. Seniors also anticipate birthdays but for an entirely different reason. When we have a birthday, we give thanks that we survived another year. Then the inevitable question arises: how many more will I have? Only God knows the answer to that one.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Me, Me, Me
We all have people in our lives who believe the world revolves around them. They constantly strive to be the center of attention, dominate every conversation, brag about themselves ceaselessly. These are the ones who will take the best piece of meat, the largest slice of cake and pick the cashews out of the mixed nuts. Most of their purchases are designed to enhance their egos or improve their status. Unfortunately, this type of behavior tends to have the opposite effect on those around them. Years ago, I had a co-worker with the "me syndrome" and her husband finally informed her that, "The sun does not rise and set in your ass". Something to think about, isn't it?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Nobody can relax like a senior citizen. Life becomes very comfortable during the Golden Years. We aren't required to set the alarm, rush around getting dressed or shovel out the car to get out of the driveway because---guess what---we don't have to work anymore! Anything we do is strictly voluntary and sometimes we choose to do nothing at all. I just hope that pensions, 401Ks and Social Security are still available when our children are ready for the good life.
Friday, July 24, 2009
An Edible Hobby
The DH is finally beginning to reap the fruits of his labor. Since we've had such a cool summer, the vegetables are smaller and later but they're still delicious. Nothing tastes better than a tomato still warm from the sun or a crispy cucumber straight from the vine. Freshly dug potatoes can't even be compared to those tasteless starch balls from the grocery store. Ground cherries are setting their fruit and corn stalks are perking up their ears. The many grueling hours on his knees are now paying off. It's so nice to have an edible hobby!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Proud Angler
The grandchildren love to come to the lake, ostensibly to fish. However, fishing often comes in a distant second to swimming, boating or playing in the sand. Once in awhile, though, somebody will actually cast a line into the water and wait, not too patiently, for a fish to bite. On the rare occasion that this does happen, excitement prevails. The kid can usually manage to reel in his line but refuses to touch the fish, let alone remove it from the hook or even get too close to it. This is when grandpas and uncles come in real handy!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Time Warp
Who says this is July and where's the proof? I think we're in a time warp and have fast forwarded to September. July doesn't consist of 50 degree mornings and cool evenings. We should be sweltering and cursing the humidity. The air conditioner should be running full blast. Lemonade and ice water should be flowing freely. Whoever invented Christmas in July wasn't so far off this year. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord---we're loving it!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Flower Power
I love flowers of all kinds. Did you ever wonder when the first flower appeared and what it looked like? The DH says it was probably a weed. Well, maybe it was but I'll bet it was glorious. There are thousands---maybe millions---of varieties of flowers in our world with a myriad of colors, shapes, sizes and scents. Take a few minutes and really study a flower. Feel it, smell it, become one with it---appreciate God's wonderful gift.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Clear That Clutter
I've been watching those "Clean House" shows and am amazed at the clutter that people allow into their lives. They let it build for years and then don't have a clue as to how to remedy the problem. Most of us have some messy drawers and overflowing closets, but those houses look like junk yards. I had a friend who wasn't exactly the world's best housekeeper, so her husband posted a "City Dump" sign in their living room. I would have been humiliated, but she just laughed it off. Now I've been taking a look at our closets and it's apparent that a trip to Goodwill is imminent. I definitely don't want a dump sign in my house!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Taking Chances
There are circumstances that necessitate screwing up your courage and taking a chance. Stagnation is not an option. If you lose your job and have a marketable skill, think about starting your own business. With faith in yourself and a good work ethic, you'll be successful beyond your wildest dreams. If you've lost your spouse through death or divorce, you need to restart your life. Join a support group and begin socializing. Accept all invitations, have friends over to your home, plan outings. You'll soon be busier than you ever imagined. When a new love appears, take a chance---you may be happier than you've been for years. Life is about change; don't pass up your chances.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Stay Connected
Frequent contact with fellow human beings is a necessity of life. We were not created to be alone. You've heard horror stories of babies who were neglected and failed to develop properly because of it. So often a serial killer is described as having a horrific childhood devoid of a loving presence. There could very well be some truth in that as we are social beings, and if that attention is lacking, personalities can get off track. The older generation is affected also. So many are alone after the death of a spouse and have a tendency to withdraw into themselves, losing contact with the outside world. Nursing home residents can sit for hours, staring into empty space but they light up like Christmas trees when somebody pays a little attention. So if you know a person that is living alone, take a minute to call or drop by---you'll make their day. Afterall, you may be in the same position one day.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Take Your Vitamins
How many people do you know that eat a perfect diet? Not many, I would guess. Although I was in the nutrition business for 28 years, I still find it difficult to follow a healthy diet. According to Dr. Oz (my hero) it's necessary to supplement with vitamins if you don't eat bushels of fruits and vegetables, and who does? I try to keep the goodies out of the house but once in awhile the devil takes over and I bake brownies or chocolate chip cookies. Of course, they're for the grandchildren, but if none show up, I'm forced to eat them before they get stale. The DH and I each have a daily vitamin regimen that we follow religiously and so far, it's working. We're pretty healthy for a couple of old fogeys. My brother-in-law commented that they take so many meds they have to haul them around in a trash can with wheels. At least we aren't quite that bad yet!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Out of Order
Once in awhile we all need a day to do absolutely nothing. Early this morning I decided this was such a day. The everyday chores still need to be done, but extras can wait until tomorrow---or next week. Leftovers will suffice for meals, the laundry basket isn't overflowing yet, a quick swipe over the floors will take care of the obvious dirt. If we need something from the store, we'll just have to do without it until tomorrow. In fact, if I had a bedpan, I'd use it!
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Pickle Master
Upon returning home after 10 days at the lake, the DH went directly to his garden and picked a bagful of cucumbers. My first thought was, "Oh, no! He's going to make pickles." Sure, enough we'd barely unloaded the truck before he was busy washing cukes and gathering jars. He spread his supplies across the kitchen, spilled pickle juice all over the counter and the floor and then walked in it. The house smells like it's been steeped in vinegar but we have several jars of lovely pickles. It's a good thing I'm fond of the fellow, because if I weren't, I would have been tempted to pickle him!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Arts in the Park
Each year in the middle of July, a small town near the lake holds an Art Festival. This is the highlight of the summer---thousands of people come from miles around to view the wares. Wonderful smells permeate the air as vendors prepare Indian tacos, Chinese rice bowls, crab fritters, gyros, and of course, hamburgers and Polish dogs. It's difficult to decide what to have for lunch, let alone to resist the beckoning funnel cakes and kettle corn. Vendors come from all over the country to entice us to buy their overpriced items---$50 teapots, $700 paintings, $100 blouses. They must not be aware of the recession. On another note, booths were set up with people dressed in period costumes making candles, spinning yarn and a blacksmith operating a forge. The haunting sound of bagpipes and the lilting Ecuadoran music added to the atmosphere. Maybe we should have paid more attention to the craftsmen---a simpler life may be on the horizon!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Life Lessons
Many of us have a tendency to be too critical of our fellow human beings, judging others on looks, actions, choices, etc. Earth is a school and life is the lesson and, as in any learning facility, there are good students and poor students. Some souls are bubbling with enthusiasm and others are bored silly. Each of us has a unique lesson plan and we need to be aware that every being is intent on learning his or her personal lesson to the best of their ability. So, concentrate on your own plan and try to be more tolerant of those who are struggling---afterall, you are not the Supreme Teacher!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Those Bloomin' Lillies
This is evidently the year of the lily. The stella d'oros are offering a splendid display of golden blooms, while the Asian lillies are bursting at the seams, flaunting their bright colored blossoms in every nook and cranny. And then there's the stargazer, the queen of the lillies, preparing itself for a spectacular show. Do you suppose that's what happens to us? Even though we all fade and die, do we also return to bloom again?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
On Golden Pond
There are times when being at the lake reminds me of being on Golden Pond. Last night was one of those moments. The weather had been unsettled during the evening and as a result, the sunset was breathtaking. It turned the water into a million little gold pieces, a pirate's dream. When we recently visited my brother-in-law's cabin, I had commented that their huge lake made ours look like a mere puddle. Well, guess what---our puddle is pure gold!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Counting Sheep
My initial negative experience with a new baby was the lack of sleep. During those first few months I'd have given anything for a good night's rest or even a half hour nap, but that tiny dictator wouldn't allow it. Now that I'm a senior citizen with all the time in the world, I still don't get enough sleep. This seems to be a common complaint of older people...I can remember my grandfather rising every morning at 4 AM long after he retired and my dad commenting that he was "an old fool". Well, we have a couple of old fools in our house right now. The DH gets up anywhere from 2 to 4 AM, smokes his pipe, makes coffee, goes on line and reads about the world's problems. I wake up to use the bathroom and can't go back to sleep, so here we are, roaming around wondering what we're going to do all day. Of course, by afternoon we're worn out, take a nap and the whole cycle starts over again. I guess it's true that there's no fool like an old fool!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Pontoon Fever
Somebody in the family needs to win the lottery because we are lusting after a pontoon. Unfortunately, that's the only way we'll get one, as a big ticket item like that won't fit into a retiree's budget. We see them gliding past on a balmy summer evening and wish to join the regatta but I'm afraid, without a windfall, the best we could do is a Huckleberry Finn type raft. On the other hand, it's tough enough to keep track of the grandchildren on dry land, so maybe it's best to remain on the shore dreaming.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Coming Down
Well, the Independence Day weekend is all over but the shouting, and that's pretty much finished too. Gramps says if we had 6 kids around all of the time it would probably kill us, and I tend to agree with him. The grandchildren are bubbling over with energy and enthusiasm. I can't even remember being that lively, myself. For 2 days straight the door was swinging, the singing fish was singing and the farting dog was farting....a typical 4th of July at the lake. One of the kids commented, "This is where the action is". At 1 AM when the rockets were still exploding over our roof, we were all wishing for an end to that action!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Dog Days
Tomorrow will mark the beginning of the Dog Days of summer. This is a period of 40 days that begins on July 3 and continues to August 11. Sirius, the Dog Star, rises with the sun during this time and since this is the season of hot weather, our ancestors associated the scorching days with the Dog Star---thus Dog Days. By my observation, every day is a dog day. The number of people with dogs is unbelievable---walking past our house, at the lake, in the RV camp, even in the flea markets. It seems that we're going to the dogs!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy
Last spring I hung a couple of long-neck gourds in the pine tree, hoping for some feathered tenants. Well, a pretty little house wren moved in and is raising a family. She scurries around finding food for her hungry brood, then stands on a branch scolding---probably telling them to chill out and behave. The way we've been running around the last couple of weeks, you'd think we were a pair of scavenging birds. Whoever said retirement was boring has never been there. The DH's younger brother and his wife were here from Montana, so that meant lots of eating (in and out), a trip to our cabin, a trip to Big Stone to another brother's cabin, two trips to the casino in Watertown. We came home to get caught up for a few days and are now headed back to the lake for a busy 4th of July. They say there's no rest for the wicked, so we must be pretty wicked!
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