We are educated by our grandchildren every day: It's okay to be afraid of horses, but not computers. If you stay up 'till the wee hours playing W.O.W, you can still function the next day. Breakfast isn't necessary if you eat snacks all night. Hard work and dedication produce a golden report card of all A's. It's alright to look like a raccoon if all of your friends look like raccoons too. After you've been away to college for a year or so, home isn't the same (and never will be). Sisters and brothers make good friends. Mom and Dad get smarter every year. Socialize and then socialize some more. But the most important thing they've taught us is that they are not afraid of the future and I think they'll handle it just fine!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks
We are educated by our grandchildren every day: It's okay to be afraid of horses, but not computers. If you stay up 'till the wee hours playing W.O.W, you can still function the next day. Breakfast isn't necessary if you eat snacks all night. Hard work and dedication produce a golden report card of all A's. It's alright to look like a raccoon if all of your friends look like raccoons too. After you've been away to college for a year or so, home isn't the same (and never will be). Sisters and brothers make good friends. Mom and Dad get smarter every year. Socialize and then socialize some more. But the most important thing they've taught us is that they are not afraid of the future and I think they'll handle it just fine!
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