We're often surprised by the customs and expressions of our northern neighbors. When a couple began to relate their experiences on a Canadian farm, we listened as they described months of below zero temps, short growing seasons and days with only 6 hours of sunlight. But when they mentioned ironing pigs, they had our undivided attention. The DH stated that he'd worked with pigs in a packing house for 32 years but had never been asked to iron one! After a period of silly jokes and belly laughs, we were informed that "ironing pigs" consists of administering iron injections to the piglets. Well, picturing a pig on an ironing board was much more humorous!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
This Little Piggy
We're often surprised by the customs and expressions of our northern neighbors. When a couple began to relate their experiences on a Canadian farm, we listened as they described months of below zero temps, short growing seasons and days with only 6 hours of sunlight. But when they mentioned ironing pigs, they had our undivided attention. The DH stated that he'd worked with pigs in a packing house for 32 years but had never been asked to iron one! After a period of silly jokes and belly laughs, we were informed that "ironing pigs" consists of administering iron injections to the piglets. Well, picturing a pig on an ironing board was much more humorous!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Love on the Wing
Love is in the air---literally. The birds are going crazy, filling the air with chirps and coos. They rustle around in the oleander bushes, balance on the palm fronds, play tight rope walker on the electric wires. A few especially anxious critters sit on the antennas, scouting the air for likely conquests. Watching their antics is not only entertaining but makes one a little envious!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
There's Always a Reason
For all things there is a season and a reason. We all have our season in the sun when everything comes up roses; we can't seem to do anything wrong. The kids are behaving, everybody is healthy, the job is going well, the bills are paid. All is right with the world. We have a tendency to become very smug during these sunny times, forgetting that life happens in cycles. When a calamity hits we don't know how to handle it, failing to realize that each setback is an opportunity for learning. A broken ankle and a few weeks in a wheelchair can teach compassion for those who are constantly wheelchair bound. The death of a beloved spouse teaches independence and self-reliance. The loss of a job is an opportunity to make a move that you've been considering for quite some time. If you look back on your life you'll realize that there's a reason for everything that happens. A negative often leads to a positive. God has plans for you. Are you paying attention?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
When Life Hands You Lemons---
Each morning I plan the "job of the day". It may be to do basic household chores, finish a good book or even watch Oprah. On one occasion we spent the entire day buying a chicken! Yesterday a neighbor presented the DH with some fresh lemons and the dreaded question was asked, "Can you make a pie?" Well, that became my job of the day. Making a lemon pie from scratch is no small chore. By the time I made the crust, squeezed and zested the lemons, beat the eggs, cooked the filling and made the meringue, half the morning was gone. It was delicious but the next time life hands me lemons, I'll say thanks but no thanks.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A New Look
The desert is definitely of the female persuasion. She's currently installing a new carpet of purple verbenas, accented with tiny yellow daisies and white desert lilies. She wears a plain old brown coat all winter and then suddenly slips into her spring ensemble of delicate pastels. We can all learn a lesson from her---whether you're old as the hills or younger than springtime, it's important to take pride in your environment and your personal appearance.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Can We Go Home Now?
I must be getting homesick because I'm longing for my washer and drier and my dishwasher. Loading up the laundry and driving 10 miles to the laundromat every week is getting a little old. My washer doesn't beg for quarters and never sports a sign saying "Out of Order". I don't have to listen to Spanish television while my clothes are drying or wish I had a broom to sweep the messy floor. Besides that, my bathroom has toilet tissue and towels. I guess if we choose to live in Paradise all winter, we have to make a few sacrifices!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Are We There Yet?
Car trips can be boring, especially if you take the same route every time. Once in awhile the DH will take a different road and then---LOST! When we went to Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago, we borrowed the neighbor's GPS. Well, it's tough for old fogeys to trust that disembodied voice saying, "Turn right, turn left, make a U-turn." Leaving Laughlin, NV, I set the thing to Pacific Ave. in Yuma, AZ. Every time she instructed us to turn right, the men would have a hemorrhage. At one point, they stopped the car and were ready to turn back, convinced that we were heading for the Pacific Ocean! After careful consideration and advice from the wives, they continued the trip and arrived in Yuma unscathed. Now, we're thinking we need to buy one---if we can find the store, that is!
Friday, February 20, 2009
The Value of a Dollar
Don't you just love dollar stores? They've sprung up all over the country in the last few years and continue to thrive. Yuma has a 99 Cent Only store that is awesome. They have canned goods, fresh produce, dairy foods, bread items , plus all of the regular dollar store paraphernalia. This winter the economy forced them to raise each item to 99.99 cents but they can still call it the 99 cent store. The added revenue will bring in 12 million more dollars a year. Who says pennies don't count?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
God Bless America
We all complain about our country at one time or another. Dishonest politicians, high gas prices, taxes, and exhorbitant insurance rates are just a few of our problems and they're all serious. But we need to remember that we are very fortunate to be living in this United States of America. Just watch the evening news and you'll see how people live in third world countries. I'm sure they'd be happy to have an income to pay taxes on or a car to buy gas for or any kind of health care. We've been spoiled for so long that it's difficult for us to live a little closer to the bone. Say a prayer for those poor people and give thanks that you're an American!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
When we're home in South Dakota, we're used to seeing rivers, creeks, lakes, ponds, etc. Here in the southwest, the waterways consist of the Colorado River and a gazillion canals that draw from it. Vegetable fields and citrus groves are flooded on a regular basis, courtesy of the myriad canals. When this happens, the egrets appear by the dozens; they seem to smell the life-giving water. If the Colorado ever dries up, this will REALLY be a desert!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Knight in Shining Armor
We all need rescuing at one time or another in our lives. It could be physical, when you fall off the dock and Mom pulls you out of the lake or your car breaks down on the highway and Dad comes to tow you home. Maybe it's spiritual, when you don't know where to turn and seek advice from a wiser person, or perhaps a heartfelt prayer is answered "yes". When my husband of 36 years passed away, I was completely lost and then my knight in shining armor swooped down and rescued me from a life of loneliness.
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Joshua Tree
One of my favorite desert plants is the Joshua tree. The Mormons named it that because the branches reminded them of biblical Joshua, praying and pointing to the heavens. They are definitely unique in the world of trees. John Fremont, the explorer, called it "the most repulsive tree in the vegetable kingdom." Well, all I can say is, to each his own. They look beautiful to me. I finally persuaded the DH to pull over in the California desert so I could get a photo that wasn't blurry from being shot at 60 mph!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A Bird in the Hand
It seems that we're always wishing for something---a newer car, a bigger house, better clothes, etc. What we really need is an assessment of ourselves. Some of the happiest people have very little in the way of material things but they are far ahead in spirituality. God wants us to have the necessities to live a comfortable life but I doubt if He's too happy about the excesses that are running rampant in our current society. The people with 7 mansions, 6 Hummers, gold bathroom fixtures, etc. are no happier than we are. In fact, they're so busy chasing riches that they don't stop to appreciate their lives. So if you have a car that runs, a roof over your head, decent clothes on your back and food on your table, you have everything you need. Learn to appreciate the bird in the hand.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Fun at Any Age
It isn't necessary to be young or wealthy to enjoy life. Seniors are kicking up their heels all over the country. While in Las Vegas, they're either playing the slot machines, casino hopping on the Strip or lining up for the buffets. It doesn't seem to matter that a husband can't walk; he's just pushed in a wheelchair. The younger blind fellow is led around by his crippled old mother but they're both smiling. Age only matters if you allow it. It's imperative to think young thoughts, have fun and live for today. Viva Las Vegas!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Wake up!
Hooray! We can finally come out of hibernation. Yesterday was a cold, rainy 24 hours and we were bored silly. We spent our time sleeping, eating, reading, eating, watching television, eating, working on the computer and eating some more. I don't know how the bears can stand it. If we had many more days like that we wouldn't be able to get out the door!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Camper Fever
At this time of the year, when we've been in camp for a few months, "camper fever" sets in. There are so many Snowbirds in town that our patience level is being sorely tested. We have to line up like school children everywhere we go. People are becoming restless and are taking off on cruises, side trips to outlying regions, jaunts to California, etc. The most popular destination, however, seems to be Las Vegas---Sin City. Everybody needs a little excitement, so we're following the crowd and leaving on Monday to enjoy the glitz and glitter of Las Vegas for awhile. Why not? We may be able to join the lines at the pay windows!
Friday, February 6, 2009
The Rock
In every marriage somebody needs to be the "rock". This position can shift through the years---the husband plays the role when the wife is seriously ill; the wife takes over when the husband loses his job. Sometimes you just have to put on your big girl panties and deal with the situation. Set backs can test the mettle of a marriage; it's sink or swim time. Your partner often needs extra love and moral support to survive the trials and tribulations of life . Prayer is fine, but God expects us to step up to the plate also.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Spring Ahead
Signs of Spring are appearing in the desert southwest. The sand is dappled with green shoots, tiny flowers are peeking through, trees are beginning to bloom and cactus are growing new buds. Balmy days are enjoyed by all. This is the season when young men dream of romance and old men dream of starting a garden. The DH is anxious to get home so he can get those seeds in the ground. He's already ordered online and is planning a stop at Earl May's when we arrive in Nebraska. Unfortunately, this is still several months away, as his garden is probably frozen solid and covered with snow. Oh, well, dreams of the future keep old men young.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Down in the Valley
Life is a series of ups and downs, hills and valleys. Whether it's illness, job loss, marital problems or troubled children there's always hope for a better tomorrow. God never closes a door without opening a window. Look at your options,
ask for advice. The important thing is: don't panic and make rash decisions that you may regret later. In these troubled times there will be more and more valleys, which can lead to short tempers and deep depressions. Now is the time to rally 'round your loved ones and help them to climb back up the hill.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Donkey Kong
Trips to Mexico are fun but can be trying at times. With the new rules, it can take 2 hours or more in line to cross back into the U.S. We're all carrying bags and more often than not plaster turtles, lizards, donkeys, etc. It isn't only feet and legs that get tired; it feels like arms will fall off at any time. One day a lady was carrying a large donkey, shifting it from one arm to another and was obviously tiring out. A well-meaning fellow behind her in line said, "Excuse me, can I carry your ass for you?" I hope he was referring to the donkey!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
In all phases of life a companion is welcome, but in the Golden Years, a companion is a necessity. There's nothing so sad as an older person who's all alone. We need somebody to greet with a cheery "Good morning", to share meals with, travel with, even argue with once in awhile. A shared joke, a secret smile, a confidential concern are all components of a partnership, and I thank God every day for sending me a compatible companion.
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