Life is like a trip down a tunnel. There are dark days when you don't think the trip is worth the effort---you don't like your job, bills are piling up, winter never ends, everything is depressing. If there are people that make you feel angry or worthless, find a way to steer clear of them or at least as far away as possible. Distract yourself with a good book or an interesting movie, work on a favorite hobby, do a good deed for somebody else. You can't control the actions of others, but you are in charge of your own behavior. It's tempting to worry about what co-workers, family, etc. think of you, but the only opinion that matters is the one you have of yourself. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel---you just have to look for it.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Life is like a trip down a tunnel. There are dark days when you don't think the trip is worth the effort---you don't like your job, bills are piling up, winter never ends, everything is depressing. If there are people that make you feel angry or worthless, find a way to steer clear of them or at least as far away as possible. Distract yourself with a good book or an interesting movie, work on a favorite hobby, do a good deed for somebody else. You can't control the actions of others, but you are in charge of your own behavior. It's tempting to worry about what co-workers, family, etc. think of you, but the only opinion that matters is the one you have of yourself. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel---you just have to look for it.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Back to Basics
In these days of job losses, foreclosures and high prices, it's time to get back to basics. If you have an income, are half-way healthy, have a roof over your head and three meals a day, be thankful. There are many poor souls who are lacking several of those conditions. Now is the time to concentrate on recycling, cooking your own meals, making do with the clothing and appliances that you already own. If you're fortunate enough to receive a tax rebate, squirrel it away for the future---you'll probably need it. Plant a garden and preserve your produce, do your own hair, bake your own bread, go to garage sales when the weather permits, trade items with friends and family. Most important of all, cut up those credit cards, saving only one for emergencies. Sit down and make a list of ways to cut corners---I guarantee you'll surprise yourself!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
A Senior Birthday
Well, the birthday marathon is finally over. We've celebrated the DH's birthday for several days and we're all worn out. Seniors are always looking for entertainment and there's plenty of it in an RV camp, even if it's just sitting around visiting. The residents are from all parts of the country and Western Canada so there are lots of stories to tell. Birthdays are always an excuse to party---DH says it's the best birthday he's ever had. He enjoyed the attention and no longer worries about his age. Afterall, you're only as old as you feel and most of the time we feel pretty darn young!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tee, hee,hee!
Laughter has been compared to an internal massage but it's also good for your soul. This is where friends come in. When we get together with our cronies, laughter prevails. Somebody always has a humorous tale or a joke to relate and we can't help but feel the benefits of the fellowship. So if the winter blues have set in, call a friend, read a funny book or watch a comical movie. Your spirits will be lifted and your liver and heart will thank you.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Water, Water Everywhere
When we're home we take it for granted that clean, palatable water will emerge from our faucets. Not so in this desert country. The water here is very salty and unsuitable for human consumption. It's great for doing dishes and bathing because it's naturally soft. As a result of this undrinkable water, dispensing stations can be found all over town. Filling water jugs is just one of our weekly chores,like doing laundry and shopping for groceries. At least we're not gouged on the price---5 gallons for 50 cents. Where else can you get a bargain like that?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Party On!
Sometimes birthdays can be less than happy occasions. The older we get the more we're reminded of our mortality and often become depressed as another birthday approaches. The DH has one coming up in a couple of days and hasn't been too thrilled about it, so today we invited a large group of friends to an afternoon of bean bags. Then we threw a barbecue with homemade ice cream and cake. He had so much fun that he didn't have time to dwell on his age. He needs to remember that NO birthday would be a lot less fun!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Ashes to Ashes
When the groves of citrus trees stop producing, they are uprooted and burnt, readying the grove for tender new saplings. There are many kinds of burning that affect our lives also. There's burning passion: this usually happens during our youth when the soul reaches out to another and the body follows suit. Burning ambition: this concerns a career or a political position and can destroy those who do not use discretion. Burning desire: wanting something so badly you will do most anything to get it. Burning pain: Mental or physical, following the loss of a loved one or the aftermath of an operation. And of course, who can forget Moses and the Burning Bush? Maybe is we'd think about that a little more, we wouldn't be consumed by our personal fires.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Flea Market
One of the favorite activities in Snowbird country is visiting the flea markets. We can shop, get our exercise, eat lunch, whatever. They sell a large array of merchandise. In fact, if they don't have it, we don't need it. Every winter somebody comes up with a new item and hopes it will be a big seller---like the cap with fur on top for bald men. The DH has one sitting on the closet shelf from last year. About the only thing they don't sell is fleas. Dozens of people bring their dogs on leashes, in strollers and even hanging around their necks, so fleas are free!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Getting Lucky
Several of the men in camp are sporting uncharacteristic smiles these days. Why? Because they're getting lucky! They've hooked up with some widows and can't stop grinning. Of course, people who have never lost a mate are making comments like, "What's wrong with that old fool?", "This is disgraceful" and "You'd think we lived in Peyton Place." The DH and I think it's hilarious because we've been there. We're cheering them on! It's a blessing to find love in the Golden Years. They're lucky to have found each other and even luckier because there's an unending supply of Viagra just across the border!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day, 2009
It is the beginning of a new era. Today we will inaugurate a new leader, a fresh-faced, dark skinned young man with lofty ideals and a strange name. The color of his skin and his foreign sounding name should be irrelevant but they are not. He may be the bridge to uniting our country and regaining the world's respect but we mustn't expect him to perform miracles. Afterall, he is a human being like the rest of us. The DH believes that God chooses our leaders. If that is true, our new president will have Divine guidance. He'll need prayers from each and every one of us, as he has just four short years to bring peace to the Middle East, end the war in Iraq, jump start our lagging economy and stop government corruption! Godspeed, Barack Obama. You'll need all the help you can get.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Cluck, Cluck!
We have a neighbor who stays up all night and sleeps most of the day. Needless to say, Lord help the poor soul who knocks on his door or makes noise during his siesta. He does not take this well. His wife has a little dog that she walks every afternoon and since she was planning a small trip, she asked some of us ladies to walk her. Well, before she left, she informed us that her husband did not want "those old hens" waking him up---he would walk the dog himself. We haven't seen the dog walked once. The old crab had better keep his ears covered because he may hear clucking outside his window!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Teenagers and Beyond
Teenagers seem to be a different breed. They change from sweet little kids to snotty, know-it-all strangers overnight. But have faith, mothers, they will become human beings again in 6 or 7 years. By that time, you'll either be grey or bald, depending on the severity of the situation. The sad part is that when seniors reach 65 or 70 they revert back to the teenage mentality. We have residents in our RV park that love to argue, get everybody riled up over nothing and have a huge sense of entitlement. Sound familiar? At least the teenagers will eventually grow up. The seniors will only grow older.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Don't Eat Yellow Snow
Most of the country is in the midst of a cold snap so we're thankful we're in the Southwest where the temps are in the 70s and the sun is shining. We feel bad for our friends and family in the Midwest but not too bad. We survived many a nasty winter with frozen pipes, stalled cars, snow up to our butts, howling winds, etc. The only advice I can give is, "Hang on. Spring always comes eventually". Oh, and DON'T EAT YELLOW SNOW.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Got Sand?
The California sand dunes are a beautiful sight. They cover a large area , changing with the whims of the wind. A group of people are obsessed with this sandy area and arrive in flocks on long week-ends or holidays. They camp next to the dunes and spend their days riding up and down the hills on dune buggies, 4 wheelers, etc. Even toddlers have their own vehicles. When I see a camper sporting a sign saying ,"Got sand?", I know exactly where it's headed.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Ocean to Ocean Bridge
Up until the late 1800s Yuma was separated from the mainland by the Colorado River. The only means of crossing was by boat. Then in the Spring of 1877 a bridge was built across the river, linking Yuma to the rest of the country. There was one drawback, however. The railroad people were forbidden by the federal government to build tracks on the bridge. So on September 30, 1877, an enterprising group of railroaders waited until after dark and very quietly laid train tracks. By the time the guards realized what had happened, the first train , whistle screaming, rolled into Yuma at dawn. That bridge continues to be used by the railroads but a new bridge, called the Ocean to Ocean, accommodates other traffic. We're happy this was accomplished because that's the bridge we cross to get to the casino!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Going to the Dogs
Every evening before supper, several ladies walk their dogs. Although my dog is invisible, they allow me to accompany them. It's heartwarming to see the enthusiasm of these canine buddies---they're always happy to see each other. They know which campers hand out treats and which have other dogs willing to participate in a round of friendly sniffing. Having an invisible dog does have its advantages, too. He never barks and disturbs the neighbors, doesn't need to be fed. I don't have to carry a pooper scooper or a plastic bag and he doesn't water every weed that comes along. He never bites or gets into trouble. What more could you want? Besides that, if I want doggie kisses there are plenty available.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Make Love, Not War
A new memorial to fallen soldiers has been erected in Yuma and it is awesome. It's too bad these young people weren't honored like this during their short lives. Wars have been waged since the beginning of time when the first caveman (or was it an ape? )threw a rock at his neighbor. Unfortunately, subsequent wars have been fought with more deadly weapons. Pray that Mr. Bush's war will soon end and our youngsters can come home in one piece.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Up, Up and Away
We seldom have a windless day in Yuma, but once in awhile, a miracle happens and a day is calm. The hot air balloon enthusiasts take advantage of the situation, launching their beautiful balloons into the wild blue yonder. There is nothing more serene than a hot air balloon sailing soundlessly across the sky. We should train ourselves to be less grounded---you never know when a surprise will appear in the heavens.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Flying Jewels
Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures. They flaunt their colors, flitting back and forth like bright little jewels, glistening in the sun. Some resemble emeralds, with their deep green feathers, while the red-headed birds can be compared to tiny garnets. As with every facet of life, the hummingbirds have leaders and bullies also. They are very adament about protecting their property. Each feeder has it's own customers and outsiders will feel the wrath of the owner!
Friday, January 9, 2009
A Tough Life
Being retired is a hard job. We're forced to stay up late watching television, sleep until 8 AM and then go out to breakfast. Some days we're made to spend the day in Mexico or the casino or shopping at Walmart. It's not all fun, though. Once a week we have to spend an hour and a half in a laundromat, change the bed and do an hour's worth of housework. Once in awhile, we're even expected to do ironing! Several hours a week are spent smoking in the AZ room, playing pool, throwing horse shoes or bean bags or reading a book. We also need to spend time on the computer daily. I just don't know how we get all of these chores done---I do know we're exhausted every night. Hopefully, all of you will have tough jobs like this someday!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Service With a Smile
Only in Yuma, AZ can you be driving down the road and meet a bus pulling toilets behind. These buses are carrying workers to the vegetable fields and their necessary rooms trail along. I've seen these mobile rest stops dozens of times but they never fail to startle me. I guess, like the Boy Scouts, their motto is "Be prepared".
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Artistic Mexicans
There are some talented young people in Algodones, Mexico. They are set up in the town square and spray paint pictures on vases, lanterns, mail boxes, satellite dishes, etc. Customers can bring objects to be painted, choose a scene from a notebook and the boys will create it immediately. They even do scenic pictures on the backs and sides of campers and trucks. It's fascinating to watch them spray an article, dab with a rag or a folded piece of cardboard and produce a beautiful product. We have several of their creations and will probably have more before the season's over.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Lucky Bamboo
The Chinese believe that bamboo brings good luck and that every home should have a stalk. So, using this premise, we purchased a piece of bamboo at an Oriental 99 cent store and a Chinese style vase at a place called Precious Treasures. We set it up in our camper and then went to the casino. Lo and behold, we came out ahead! This went on for a couple of weeks and then the luck ran out. Maybe the bamboo needs to be replaced every 2 weeks and the lucky person is the Oriental who is selling it!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A Taste of Sunshine
Oh happy day! The Mineola tangelos are ripe. These are a cross between mandarin oranges and grapefruit. They vary from the size of a regular orange to a small grapefruit, having the loose skin of the mandarin orange and a small knob on the top. They're so sweet and juicy, it's like taking a bite of sunshine. We love to go to the orchard and pick our own. The stems need to be snipped with a clipper because if they're pulled off, the fruit will spoil sooner. With correct picking, they will last in a cool place for weeks. Where else can you get a heaping bucket of Vitamin C for $5.00?
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Good Morning?
Every Saturday morning at 7 AM a resident scoots around on a golf cart, beating on a pan and shouting, "BREAKFAST". Most of us are aware that we can't sleep in on Saturdays but it can be a shock to guests or newcomers. Last year, my daughter and grandchildren were visiting and the clatter outside the window caused the kids to dive out of their sleeping bags and the dog to shoot up the stairs and jump into bed with us. He was shivering and scared to death. One person in the camp didn't take it so well, though. She called the Sheriff every Saturday and charged the pot-banger with disturbing the peace. As a result, the noise came to a halt. Needless to say, she's not back this season and the ritual continues.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Beware of Stalkers
My daughter has a stalker. He has brown eyes, grey hair, weighs 20 lbs. and is 18 inches tall. Yes, he's a schnauzer. I've never seen such a neurotic dog in my life. If she gets out of his sight, he goes ballistic until he finds her---even follows her into the bathroom. When she moves, he's right behind her. While she's at work, he hides under her bed and won't come out for anybody. He can recognize the sound of her car 2 blocks away and greets her at the door. I wish she could find a man who's that devoted!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A Blank Slate
Today is New Year's Day, a new beginning. It's rather like embarking on a trip that will last for 365 days. We have a blank slate, a window of possibilities. What will you do with this gift? Instead of making resolutions that will be broken before the end of the week---following a budget, going on a starvation diet, exercising religiously---try something simpler. Keep a list of your daily expenditures and add them monthly. You'll probably be shocked by the amount of money you spend in 30 days but can assess your spending patterns and make necessary cuts. If you have a weight problem, try taking half portions, limit treats to one per day, keep fruit handy instead of candy and cookies. If you're not thrilled with structured exercise (and who is?), park your car further from the store, get yourself a dog that insists on being walked twice a day, window shop in the Mall. The idea is to enjoy each 24 hours to the fullest. Never go to bed without thinking of one pleasant thing that happened that day---a phone call from an old friend, a bright sunny day, the first flower of spring. Life is filled with small pleasures, we just need to be aware. Make the most of your 365 days. They're all yours!
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