In these days of job losses, foreclosures and high prices, it's time to get back to basics. If you have an income, are half-way healthy, have a roof over your head and three meals a day, be thankful. There are many poor souls who are lacking several of those conditions. Now is the time to concentrate on recycling, cooking your own meals, making do with the clothing and appliances that you already own. If you're fortunate enough to receive a tax rebate, squirrel it away for the future---you'll probably need it. Plant a garden and preserve your produce, do your own hair, bake your own bread, go to garage sales when the weather permits, trade items with friends and family. Most important of all, cut up those credit cards, saving only one for emergencies. Sit down and make a list of ways to cut corners---I guarantee you'll surprise yourself!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Back to Basics
In these days of job losses, foreclosures and high prices, it's time to get back to basics. If you have an income, are half-way healthy, have a roof over your head and three meals a day, be thankful. There are many poor souls who are lacking several of those conditions. Now is the time to concentrate on recycling, cooking your own meals, making do with the clothing and appliances that you already own. If you're fortunate enough to receive a tax rebate, squirrel it away for the future---you'll probably need it. Plant a garden and preserve your produce, do your own hair, bake your own bread, go to garage sales when the weather permits, trade items with friends and family. Most important of all, cut up those credit cards, saving only one for emergencies. Sit down and make a list of ways to cut corners---I guarantee you'll surprise yourself!
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1 comment:
I can smell the bread, did you do it in the oven or have the bread machiene with you?
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