Several years ago, we planned a trip to Las Vegas with our daughter and son-in-law. We had a great time talking, eating, sight seeing, until we reached Utah, where all hell broke loose! The car coughed a couple of times and expired right there at the intersection. It barely restarted and allowed itself to be coaxed into a 24 hour convenience store lot, where we all went in to beg for help. The consensus was that no amount of cough syrup was going to fix that sick car. It was also Saturday night in a small Mormon town, and the sidewalks had already been rolled up. We did manage to get some phone numbers from the clerk and headed for a nearby motel. Vegas was beckoning and we needed a viable plan. I immediately got on the phone and found us a ride with the only taxi in town. The DH had the home number of the lone mechanic and arranged to leave our vehicle in his lot. Bright and early the next morning, a vintage station wagon pulled up. It was definitely not a taxi! The unusual couple in the front seat were definitely not taxi drivers, either. Eventually, the 6 of us, plus our luggage, were crammed in like sardines. We were off! After 300 miles of regaling us with outrageous tales, they opened the sardine can and we escaped. Stay tuned for the "rest of the story".
1 comment:
Nice stories. Clean. Crisp. They say that brevity is the soul of wit. I shold take a few lessons from you.
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Before I go, I should mention that I lived in Los Angeles from roughly 1977 until 2007. Up until 1990 or so, when I would visit Las Vegas, I was not a fan because of the smell and gaudy stuff. However, once they started constructing the majestic hotels, things changed. Glad that you finally got there.
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