Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Leaving Las Vegas

The day after arriving in Las Vegas in the pseudo-taxi, my DH called the garage in Utah to check on our car. Bad news! It needed a new engine. We would be stranded for over a week. A few days later, our hotel reservation expired and the kids had to leave. More bad news! It was Super Bowl weekend---no rooms available. Would we be homeless and carless in Las Vegas? Heaven forbid! Finally, after hearing our hard luck story, we were offered a room at 4 times the rate; we didn't care---it was a bed. By the time day 10 arrived, we'd gambled our butts off, eaten our way through dozens of buffets, and saw every show that would allow us in. Now, how to get back to Utah? An authentic taxi driver offered to drive us for an exhorbitant amount, but since we'd been gambling and losing for over a week, that wasn't an option. So, our last resort was the bus. You haven't experienced the down side of life until you've been in the Las Vegas bus depot at midnight. There were characters I'd never seen before and never want to see again. What a relief when the bus arrived and rescued us. Of course, the Universe wasn't quite finished with us yet. A few miles out of town, a blizzard struck. The bus driver could barely see the road, but as frightening as that was, it wasn't as scary as the bus depot in Las Vegas at midnight. Richman, Utah was beginning to look like a little bit of Heaven.

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