Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Plum Crazy

Several years ago, a squirrel planted a plum tree in our back yard. For several seasons it produced a few plums, which the birds enjoyed immensely. This summer, however, the tree has gone crazy. It was absolutely loaded with blossoms in the spring and I swear, every one of them became a plum. The branches are so heavy with fruit that they're bent to the ground. Of course, we couldn't allow this bonanza to go to waste. You're probably familiar with the old saying, "If life hands you a lemon, make lemonade". Well, if life hands you plums, can the fruit and make plum jelly!


Rachel said...

Hi Mom....Rachel and I really enjoyed your blog..we will keep reading...Love, Julie

Unknown said...

So when can we come and pick some up? They look delicious:)